RE-8 Implementation Grant

What was funded: 

  • .5 FTE NCHA Wellness Coordinator
  • Health Task Force Meeting (meals, materials, childcare, translation services)
  • Advisory Team Meetings
  • Support for Wellness Teams in each School
  • Evaluation
  • Comprehensive Physical Activity
    • Heart Monitor Sets with software  
    • Drum Fit Kits
    • Physical Activity Equipment for Staff and Student
  • Supportive nutrition environments and healthy food and beverages costs: 
    • Hydration stations: 6 (1 per school)
    • Reusable water bottles for staff (students with vision screenings: 9/2019)
    • Community Garden/Greenhouse: (supplies, utilities, recruitment: youth leader stipends)
    • Blessings in a Bag, Student Resource Center: (healthy snacks, school supplies, toiletries for at risk students
    • Support for Healthy Food and Beverage Contests @ each School
  • Regional/State-wide trainings: 
    • Mileage and lodging for trainings: 2 trainings per year for up to 12 staff-2/school
  • Comprehensive Wellness Environment: 
    • SHIP Implementation Funds for each school
    • Information/resources to parents, students, and staff re: HEA
    • On Site Professional Development trainings: (meals, materials, sub pay for 2 PD/year)
    • Healthy School Protocol Desk References4 per school

Below are listed the major past and future implementation milestones for Weld County School District RE-8 (Fort Lupton).

  • October 2018:  Schedule Health Task Force Meetings for 2018-2020 (Evidence: Approved Schedule)
  • November 2018:  Name Wellness Leaders in each School (Evidence: Signed Agreements)
  • January 2019: Complete purchase orders for Hydration Stations, Heart Monitors, Drum Fit Kits, Greenhouse/Garden, Student Resource Center, Healthy Fundraisers, Active Recess, Active Classrooms, and Desk References. (Evidence:  completed purchase orders/receipts)
  • February 2019: Create Plan/Process to Recruit and Train students, staff and community members for Greenhouse/Garden, Student Resource Center, Active Recess, Active Classrooms, Healthy Schools Early Intervention and Crisis Response(Evidence: Number Recruited)
  • March 2019:  Begin Greenhouse and garden program (Evidence: number of participants, number of lbs of produce harvested)
  • April 2019:  Identify students, staff and community members for Greenhouse/Garden, Student Resource Center, Active Recess, Healthy Schools Early Identification and crisis response (Evidence: Number Recruited, schedule created) 
  • May –August 2019: Provide Training for: 1. Heart Monitors 2.  Drum Fit 
  • June –July 2019: Install Hydration Stations in all schools (Evidence: Water bottles distributed to all students and staff) 
  • September 2019: Implement Heart Monitors and Drum Fit in all schools (Evidence: Number of participants, records of heart rate data and participation rates. 
  • October 2019:  Implement Active Recess volunteer program and Active Classrooms in all schools (Evidence:  attendance and schedules for each school)
  • November 2019:  Implement Student Resource Center (Evidence:  number of students served)
  • January 2020:  Implement Healthy Schools Protocols and Desk References (Evidence: Desk References Completed)
  • February 2020:  Conduct Smart Source Assessment at each school (Evidence:  Smart Source Reports)
  • March 2020:  Plan for Sustainability 2020-2025 (Evidence: identified funding)
  • April 2020:  Update Wellness Policy (i.e. stronger language for Healthy Fundraisers, Healthy Staff Meetings, Healthy Celebrations, Active Recess and Active Classrooms, and Healthy School Protocols with early intervention and universal crisis response. (Evidence: updated wellness policy)
  • May 2020:  Professional development provided (Evidence: Attendance)
  • June 2020:  Attend Regional or State Healthy School Champions Celebration/Conference (Evidence: Attendance)
  • August 2020:  Set 5 yr Schedule and goals for District Health Task Force Meetings (Evidence: Schedule)
  • September 2020:  Recruit new members to continue wellness work. (Evidence: Signed Agreements)
  • October 2020:  Complete Plan for Sustainability (Evidence: Sustainability Plan for continued funding)